Thursday, November 28, 2013

Chapter 1...

HURRAY!!  My First Blog...!

I think I am too concerned with choosing words for the blog. People say that your blog has to reflect your thoughts. Well, I guess every "newbie" is allowed a certain level of naivety, pardon if I cross it!!

The title of the blog page is not misleading completely, though I am health "conscious" than "freak", in broad perspective. But as far as outdoor sport is in focus, I'm a FREAK.

I like to call myself an amateur athlete. I clock just under 12 sec in 100m, jump 6ft high and 6m long, and I play a variety of sport : football, volleyball, badminton, cricket, basketball... I just LOVE SPORT. Though not my profession, it has defined my personality and has helped me develop a disciplined life.

I do follow sport, especially football, particularly English Premier League and precisely a die hard fan of
Being an Indian, I have cricket running in my blood too. :)

Well, more blogs to follow. I am eager to see some suggestions to improve my blog quality.